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With back to school season arriving this month, learning new skills might be top of mind. One skill that both young and old learners might want to consider that can enrich their future? Coding can open doors and help you navigate the ever-changing world of tech, and The 2022 All-in-One Learn to Code Certification Bundle enables you to hone your tech skills from the comfort of home.

This bundle lets you own a diverse 15 classes on different coding skills— all for just $39.99. That breaks down to less than $3 a course, and there’s no promo code needed if you act during the Back to Education event, which runs from August 10 to August 24. You’ll even be doing some good in the process, as each purchase from this collection means proceeds will be donated to students and kids in need. You’ll even get to vote where the money is going to make an impact.

Online courses are a great way to learn on your own time. Tackle these 15 premium courses that covers topics like JavaScript, NFT, HTML, different programming languages and more all at your own leisure. You’ll be learning from highly-rated instructors like Tony Staunton, a Python development and productivity consultant with a 4.2-star rating who will school you on Ruby on Rails. The 2022 Complete Ruby on Rails 6 Bootcamp teaches you the basics and how to advance all the way to being able to create your own apps with this web development framework.

Google Go Programming for Beginners lets you put this vita programming language in your arsenal, with 4.2 star-rated Stone River eLearning teaching you the basics. Lawrence Decamora, a former Java Trainer at Sun Microsystems, has scored an impressive 4.9 stars from former students and lends his expertise to the course Java: A Complete Tutorial from ZERO to JDBC Course 2021, which teaches you all the fundamental concepts that will get you programming easily.

The 2022 All-in-One Learn to Code Certification Bundle is the perfect way to hone your tech skills this fall and beyond. Purchase it for just $39.99, no promo code needed, from August 10 through August 24 during the Back to Education event.


The 2022 All-in-One Learn to Code Certification Bundle – $44.99

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Prices subject to change.



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Source: https://www.theepochtimes.com/master-coding-for-less-than-3-a-course-with-this-bundle_4647688.html

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